Sever example sentences

Multiple Aptitude Tests exist in the form of test batteries, which measure aptitude in several separate but homogeneous areas.Several rounds of thorough discussion took place on the Draft Constitution, clause by clause.If a reaction takes place in several steps then its standard reaction enthalpy is the sum of the standard enthalpies of the intermediate reactions into which the overall reaction may be divided at the same temperature.What do you think about its possible structure? Due to its unique properties and unusual stability, it took several years to assign its structure.The development of cotton industries in Britain affected textile producers in India in several ways.Even in the mid-nineteenth century Qamr-al-din Khan's haveli had several structures within it, and included housing for the cart drivers, tent pitchers, torchbearers, as well as for accountants, clerks and household servants.In Chennai, the department has taken several initiatives for harvesting rain water to increase the level of groundwater.Their work as well as their children's schooling is severely disrupted because of the distance from the outskirts of the city to these locations.Geothermal energy in the form of hot springs has been used for cooking, heating and bathing for several years.There are several countries whose foreign trade proportions are above 50 per cent of GDP.People have shared new ways of carving stone, composing music, and even cooking food over several hundreds of years.कई सौ वर्षों से लोग पत्थर को तराशने, संगीत रचने और यहाँ तक कि भोजन बनाने के नए तरीकों के बारे में एक-दूसरे के विचारों को अपनाते रहे हैं|He lost his ration card and applied for a duplicate one in January 200 He made several rounds to the local Food & Civil Supplies office for the next three months.Several other aptitude tests have been developed in ndia for measuring scientific, scholastic, literary, clerical, and teaching aptitudes.Suppose, the personnel department wants to know whether a certain psychological test can help it to identify potentially best stenographers, it must be established that the test differentiates among employees of several performance levels.A big shop, a house of his own and I hear several thousand in the bank.

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