Surplus example sentences

The amount of premium is credited to Securities Premium account and is shown on the liabilities side of the balance sheet under the head “Reserves and Surpluses”.Any amount of surplus from assets given under first charge will be utilised for setting the claims for second chargeholder.The closing balance of the former account represents cash and bank balances on the closing date while in the latter account it indicates surplus or deficit from the activities of the enterprise.The Debenture Redemption Reserve account appears on the liability side of the Balance sheet under the head “Reserves and Surpluses.The advantage of such an option is that a company can redeem the debentures at its convenience whenever it has surplus funds.It shows the net operating result in the form of surplus (i.e. excess of income over expenditure) or deficit (i.e. excess of expenditure over income), which is transferred to the capital fund shown in the balance sheet.It shows the net operating result in the form of surplus (i.e. excess of income over expenditure) or deficit (i.e. excess of expenditure over income), which is transferred to the capital fund shown in the balance sheet.It is shown under the head Reserves and Surpluses on the liabilities side of the balance sheet after capital.A current account deficit is financed by net capital flows from the rest of the world, thus by a capital account surplus.Due to differences in resource endowments and labour productivity, countries find it much more advantageous to produce goods and services in which they have cost advantage and trade the surplus in such goods and services with other nations in exchange of goods and services which others can produce more efficiently.The amount of premium is credited to Securities Premium account and is shown on the liabilities side of the balance sheet under the head “Reserves and Surpluses”.The surplus generated in the form of excess of income over expenditure is not distributed amongst the members.The Debenture Redemption Reserve account appears on the liability side of the Balance sheet under the head “Reserves and Surpluses.Scientific methods of cultivation and use of tractors, harvesters and combines has made North America a surplus food producer.If she is not lucky enough she may not be able to find another person who has the diametrically opposite demand for rice with a surplus of clothing to offer in exchange.

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