Torture example sentences

Pinochet's government tortured and killed several of those who supported Allende and those who wanted democracy to be restored.Amnesty International, an international human rights organisation, collected information on the condition of the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay and reported that the prisoners were being tortured in ways that violated the US laws.The prisoners in Guantanamo Bay had a moral claim not to be tortured or humiliated.General Bachelet's wife and daughter were put in prison and tortured.A large number were forced to make false confessions under torture and were executed – several among them were talented professionals.In the plantations they had to work long hours, typically from dawn to dusk, punished for “inefficient work”, and whipped and tortured.Do you remember a little reference made earlier to General Bachelet's daughter who was imprisoned and tortured along with her mother? That girl, Michelle Bachelet (pronounced Mishel Bashelet), was elected President of Chile in January 200 A medical doctor and a moderate socialist, Michelle became the first woman to be a Defence Minister in Latin America.

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