Treat example sentences

How shall we treat these stocks which a firm may intentionally or unintentionally carry with itself? Also, let us remember that a firm buys raw materials from other firms.Hence, it is treated as non-recurring item and credited directly to capital/general fund.For instance, to supply water, the government has to incur costs in pumping water, carrying it over long distances, laying down pipes for distribution, treating the water for impurities, and finally, collecting and treating waste water.The land and property of Muslims was confiscated on a large scale and they were treated with suspicion and hostility.Such expenses are also capitalised and written-off over a period of 3 to 5 years, and treated in the same manner as preliminary expenses, but are shown separately.However, grants such as building grant are treated as capital receipt and transferred to the building fund account.In the context of settlement of accounts among the partners there is still another important aspect to be noted, i.e., when a partner is unable to contribute towards the deficiency of his capital account (the account finally showing a debit balance), he/she is said to be insolvent, and the sum not recoverable is treated as capital loss for the firm.In such circumstances, the company can forfeit their shares, i.e. cancel their allotment and treat the amount already received thereon as forfeited to the company within the framework of the provisions in its articles.Do you think that women could have made the gains we noted above if their unequal treatment was not raised in the political domain? Let us now turn to a very different kind of social division, the division based on religious differences.One way to calculate the degree of disorder or chaotic distribution of energy among molecules would be through statistical method which is beyond the scope of this treatment.alues such as treating our guests well and making sure our children get nutritious food are used by brands to create brand values.Often conflicts arise among individuals because some feel that they are not treated with due respect.However, a few items of income and expenses of such orgnisations are somewhat different in nature and need special attention in their treatment in final accounts.Each approach in use today emphasises a different aspect of human behaviour, and explains and treats abnormality in line with that aspect.This chapter deals with the accounting treatment of issue and redemption of debentures and other related aspects.

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