Yes example sentences

Yesterday afternoon the leopard lifted a dog from near the servants quarter below the school.Their eyes are more adjusted to the dark than to the light outside.Its data type and properties must be the same as that of Code column of Accounts table, except that its Indexed property must be set to Yes (Duplicates OK).When set to Yes, the text within the control is rotated at 90 degrees.Once again the veil was slipped back from the bride's face, but this time her eyes were not downcast.Its Required property is set to Yes and Zero length property is set to No with Indexed property as Yes (No Duplicates).Hazardous wastes such as inflammables, composite explosives or highly reactive substances are produced by industries dealing in metals, chemicals, drugs, pharmaceuticals, dyes, pesticides, rubber goods etc.“If you had not pitied my weakness yesterday and had not dug these beds for me, you would have gone away.How can we possibly know about everything? And even when we do know about something, we often can't understand it completely, can we?” “Oh, yes!” breathed alli.Where's my hat? It's low! It's dishonest! It's mean! And you're just a malicious, doublefaced intriguer! Yes! Here's my hat.Then you see the head twisted sideways into a slump, the torso shrunk inside the pale blue shirt, the wasted legs; you look at his eyes which can speak, still, and they are saying something huge and urgent — it is hard to tell what.Do you believe that when you communicate with another person, your words communicate the complete meaning of the message? If your answer is yes, then you are mistaken.His eyes were shining like burning coals in the darkness.” “Well I'll be a manager then — yes, of course — to begin with.You cannot imagine, dearest Connie, my feelings as I looked into the eyes of the Fritz officer, who approached me, hand outstretched.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English

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