Fitting meaning in hindi - Fitting का मतलब हिंदी में

Fitting meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fitting
As noun : अतिग्रह Ex:  with all the appurtenances fitting thereto
अनुकूलन Ex:  I went to the tailor for fitting out the new dress. उ:   इस विचारधारा में ग्रहण, अनुकूलन और निर्माण पर जोर दिया गया। अनुरुप Ex:  Electricians always keep screw driver with them while fitting the electric board. अनुहरत Ex:  He gave a fitting speech on the occasion. अनुहारि Ex:  1918. After fitting out अन्वायोजन Ex:  , and for fitting up a suitable apartment for containing them. अभीजात Ex:  "Divine Wisdom judged it fitting that God should become man अर्ह्य Ex:  On a Friday were never seen as fitting in this trend आनुलोमिक Ex:  Swanson was considered a fitting representative of Hollywood's past उंच Ex:  Some trial-and-error fitting may prove necessary. उपकारण Ex:  Dom Pedro I, decided that it would be fitting to create a national law school. उपयुक्त Ex:  A fitting paper hanging, painting उ:   इसी से यह समाजों के लिए अधिक उपयुक्त होता है। उपस्कर Ex:  copper fitting उ:   दूरसंचार उपस्कर एवं सेवाओं के निर्यात को सक्रिय बढावा दिया जाएगा। औपयिक Ex:  Ice fitting कपड़े बनवाना Ex:  In terms of physics, Marmite Papin, very thick metal vase whose tightly fitting lid, and in which we can bring the water to the highest temperature कल्पिक Ex:  It says Lyrics of ringing ears hurt because they are not fitting छमनीय Ex:  The fitting of a vessel पारय Ex:  The fitting of these wheels is not strong enough प्रयोजनवान् Ex:  The fitting of this horse is bad प्राणाय्य Ex:  UP still means, transitively, Dresser, assembling, fitting parts प्राप्तरूप Ex:  We say today rather fitting मौजूँ यथाप्रदिष्ट युक्तरूप रखत रख्त संप्रयोजित सद्दश समुपयुवत सराजाम ‡ सलिंग सामान उ:   जिसमें घर या अंदर रखे सामान का नुकसान हो गया हो। सामायिक उ:   परसाई जी सामायिक समय का रचनात्मक उपयोग करते है। सुसंनत सेँमुष सोहरां हटैत पुर्जा
Other : उचित Ex:  Spandex is also preferable for active sports that require form fitting garments उ:   उचित रूप में क्रमनिर्धारण भी संभव नहीं। खपत Ex:  The fitting of a door उ:   विश्व में ब्राजील में प्रति व्यक्ति चीनी की खपत सर्वाधिक होती है। चस्पाँ Ex:  The fitting of a door नियोज्य Ex:  The fitting of an ax उ:   प्रबंधन संगठन में सूचना सुरक्षा के संरचित नियोज्य का वर्णन करता है। फ़िटिंग Ex:  d'Arts fitting that serves a variety of purposes, mainly to link the doorframe of a fireplace with the rest of the masonry फिटिंग
Fitting ki paribhasha : saakhou ya saal ka vraksh jisaki lakado imaa- rati kaamon men aati hai kisi kaam men lagaaye jaane ke upayukt jainon ke anusaar ek prakaar ka vrat ya aacharan jisamen sab jivon par sam bhaav rakhakar ekaant men baithakar aatmachintan kiya jaata hai daal ya tarakaari men dalane ka masaala kisi kaary ke liye saadhan svaroop aavashyak vastuean upayog men laaya hua
Fitting synonyms
proper apt felicitous meet becoming right correct due applicable comme il faut decent decorous desirable happy just on the nose right on seemly just what was ordered on the button that's the ticket furniture extra accouterment appointment equipment attachment paraphernalia component convenience instrument connection part furnishing piece unit trimming
Fitting antonyms
unsuitable incorrect inappropriate unseemly inaccurate improper unfitting wrong imprecise whole
Usage of Fitting in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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