coarse meaning in marathi
Word: coarse
Meaning of coarse in english - not fine, rude, rough, unrefined
Meaning of coarse in english - not fine, rude, rough, unrefined
Synonyms of coarse
boorish gruff ribald vulgar off-color obscene raw dirty crude scatological nasty bawdy crass base blue cheap common earthy filthy foul gross immodest impolite improper impure indelicate inelegant loutish low mean offensive raffish raunchy roughneck smutty tacky uncivil uncouth uncultivated uncultured brutish foul-mouthed incult lowbred lowdown and dirty vulgarian grainy harsh homespun inferior loose lumpy mediocre rugged unfinished unpolished granular unprocessed chapped coarse-grained particulate poor quality rough-hewnAntonyms of coarse
polite kind pleasant chaste moral refined sophisticated nice polished happy clean decent pure upright gentle delicate smooth Identical words :
coarse food - kadaann ( कदान्न )
coarse sari - dhongadaaden ( धोंगडा--डें )
coarse broad criss-cross strips forming the flat surface of a bedstead - padiva ( पडिवा )
coarsely ground wheat flour - phulasoji ( फुलसोजी )
coarse sari - dhongadaaden ( धोंगडा--डें )
coarse broad criss-cross strips forming the flat surface of a bedstead - padiva ( पडिवा )
coarsely ground wheat flour - phulasoji ( फुलसोजी )
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