coyly meaning in marathi

Word: coyly
Meaning of coyly in english - very modest

Meanings in marathi :

As adverb :
murkhimurkhi ( मुर्खीमुर्खी )
मुरकून मुरकून
Synonyms of coyly
self-effacing timid bashful skittish evasive backward blushing demure diffident flirtatious humble kittenish prudish reserved retiring shrinking shy coquettish overmodest rabbity
Antonyms of coyly
immodest impudent aggressive forward
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
coylycrabcrackercrannycrawlingcrazilycrackcrazy for battlecrazy personcrazy sexual actscradlecraftcrazy womancreatingcreation and destructioncreation the title of a chapter of the sūtrapāṭhacrampcravingcrazecreature of the forestcreature that travels on landcreditcranecrazinesscreekcreepercremation fire not consecrated with mantrascremation groundcrazycrescent-shaped filled sweet