fifth meaning in marathi

Word: fifth
Meaning of fifth in english - having five of something

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
paanchav ( पांचव )
क्रमांक पाचवे
Synonyms of fifth
quinary quinquennial
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
fight between ramsfigure of speech in which the word used loses its original meaningfieryfifteenfifty-twofigure of speech in which the word used partly retains and partly loses its original meaningfilament of a flowerfilled sweetfilled with juice or sapfiftyfighterfigure of speech in which a word gains a special additional meaning without losing its original meaningfilled with waterfilledfiller wordfilling and emptyingfinal releasefinancial dealfightfinding faultfightingfillingfinding pleasure despite discomfortfine as sandfine clothfine particlesfine powderfine sandfigurefine silk cloth