harsh meaning in marathi

Word: harsh
Meaning of harsh in english - rough, crude (to the senses), nasty, abusive

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
niparavasaniparavãs ( निपरवस-निपरवंस )
Synonyms of harsh
hard grim severe rigid sharp bitter strident bleak coarse acrid astringent cacophonous clashing cracked craggy disagreeing discordant dissonant disturbing earsplitting flat glaring grating guttural hoarse incompatible jagged jarring noisy off-key rasping raucous rugged rusty sour uneven unrelenting croaking unmusical asperous caterwauling creaking jangling not smooth out-of-key out-of-tune screeching stridulous tuneless unlevel unmelodious tough unkind ruthless cruel brutal relentless unpleasant punitive stern austere discourteous dour gruff hairy hard-boiled hard-nosed mean pitiless uncivil unfeeling ungracious wicked comfortless hard-shell
Antonyms of harsh
pliable facile pleasant cheerful kind peaceful pleasing courteous polite flexible pliant soft yielding easy mild nice bright sunny calm moderate bland low gentle smooth inexact tolerant considerate friendly compassionate merciful wonderful giving sympathetic agreeable
Identical words :
As noun :
harshness - paarushy ( पारुष्य )
harsh words - kubol ( कुबोल )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
harvest timehastehat made of ropeharmlessharnessharvestinghatchethaving a beginninghaving a cut liphaving a cut-off nosehaving a fierce or terrifying faceharshhaving a full bellyhaving a golden pinnaclehaving a horses facehaving a white face and yellow skinhaving an erect hornhastilyhatredhaughtinesshaving attainedhaving auspicious signs of beautyhaving beautiful eyeshaving claws as weapons a jackalhavenhaving digits the moonhaving eyesighthaving five colourshaving five members or partshaving form