helplessness meaning in marathi

Word: helplessness
Meaning of helplessness in english - disability, incompetence

Meanings in marathi :

mokalavaadi ( मोकळवादी )
Synonyms of helplessness
weakness disorder convalescence poor health powerlessness inability incapacity
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
hemorrhoidshemp fibrehelplesslyhence a bithence a dullardhence a servile personhence a supporthence a triflehence abstaining from sensual passionhence an insignificant taskhence bravehence cowshence innumerablehence kuṇḍalinīhence manyhence talkinghence the divine pathhenhence to be exhaustedherbal medicineherd of cattleherd of elephantshence fateherdhere a froghere a sacrificial pithere the name of a cowherd boyhere the name of a nutcrackerhereditary estatehereditary office and land grant