yell meaning in marathi

Word: yell

Meanings in marathi :

kikali ( कीकळी )
Identical words :
yellowish white mineral - godant ( गोदंत )
yellowish - sapival ( सपिवळ )
yellow - pil ( पील )
yellow lotus - sonekamal ( सोनेकमळ )
yellowish-red - sonekhair ( सोनेखैर )
yellow sandalwood - harichandan ( हरिचंदन )
yellow orpiment - haritaal ( हरिताळ )
yellowish white like turmeric - haladisa ( हळदीसा )
yellowish bird - haladuva ( हळदुवा )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
wanderingwantwantonlywarding off evil by waving salt and mustard seeds around a personwarehousewareswantingwantonwarwardwarfarewarm embracewarm waterwarmwarmthwarningwarrior chiefwarrior fighting alonewarrior slain in battlewarrior with the strength of four armswashed cleanwarriorwashwashed or purified by truthwashermans potwasherwomanwashing of wingswashtubwashedwasherman