dear meaning in tamil

Word: dear - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, nounin english.
Meaning of dear in english - beloved, favorite, very expensive, beloved person

Meanings in tamil :

charuman ( சருமன் )
சன் மன் meaning the auspicious
sometimes சருமர் and சன்மர்

Identical words :

As noun :
dearth - kruppu ( கருப்பு )
dear mother - ammay ( அம்மாய் )
dearness - pirichm ( பிரிசம் )
dear friend - urukkam ( உருக்கம் )
dearly beloved person - katalan ( காதலன் )
dear bargain - kuṟaintavilai ( குறைந்தவிலை )
dearly beloved friend - nechan ( நேசன் )
dear as life - piranachinekitan ( பிராணசினேகிதன் )
dearly beloved husband - pirananatan ( பிராணநாதன் )
dear and beloved friend - piriyachinekitan ( பிரியசினேகிதன் )

Synonyms of dear

pet familiar darling close intimate precious respected cherished doll face endeared esteemed prized treasured valuable high steep fancy stiff costly high-priced out of sight an arm and a leg at a premium overpriced pretty penny pricey honey sweetheart heartthrob lover

Antonyms of dear

unfriendly hateful unimportant valueless worthless inexpensive low-priced cool common despised cheap soft moderate enemy
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