every meaning in tamil

Word: every - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of every in english - each, all

Meanings in tamil :

toṟu ( தோறு )
which with உம் subjoined signifies
இடங்கள்தோ றும்
வருஷந் தோறும்
தினம் தோறும்

Identical words :

As adjective :
every year - chalpchal ( சால்பசால் )
every thing found in the former - antapintam ( அண்டபிண்டம் )
every one - evanum ( எவனும் )
every eight stanzas of which are of the same kind of verse - ashtakam ( அஷ்டகம் )
every other three of the lunar mansions - itavottam ( இடவோட்டம் )
every third sign of the zodiacconsidered in astrology as auspicious for building - upayarachi ( உபயராசி )
every month - machantaram ( மாசாந்தரம் )
every morning - kalaitoṟum ( காலைதோறும் )
every thing in the universe - nanakacham ( ஞானாகாசம் )
every days illusion - tinamayakkam ( தினமயக்கம் )

Synonyms of every

whole each one
Tamil to English
English To Tamil