mortar meaning in tamil

Word: mortar - The english word have 6 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of mortar in english - cannon, cement, gun, plaster

Meanings in tamil :

chunnachchantu ( சுண்ணச்சாந்து )

Identical words :

Synonyms of mortar

ordnance howitzer Big Bertha Long Tom heavy artillery adhesive mud size gum concrete binder bond solder glue paste mucilage sand gunk tar birdlime sealant putty lute epoxy grout rubber cement stickum join unite weld merge fuse combine connect fasten cohere blend stick together piece rifle pistol musket rod difference shotgun revolver hardware handgun equalizer Uzi persuader blaster magnum flintlock forty-five Saturday-night special peashooter thirty-eight coat binding dressing stucco gypsum

Antonyms of mortar

loosen release disconnect detach divide separate unfasten part open
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