cheer meaning in telugu
Word: cheer
Meaning of cheer in english - happiness, applause, supportive yell, make someone feel happier, encourage in activity
delight joy glee encouragement optimism geniality merriment solace comfort jocundity gladness liveliness gaiety animation exuberance mirth lightheartedness buoyancy cheerfulness hilarity joyousness jauntiness hopefulness cheeriness good cheer merry-making roar ovation shout cry plaudits approval approbation hurrah acclamation hurray huzzah hearten elate steel warm console help enliven embolden brighten upraise elevate strengthen exhilarate inspirit incite gladden animate uplift buck up perk up pick up brace up give a lift let the sun shine in put on cloud nine put on top of the world snap out of it applaud salute clap hail plug root acclaim rise tosorrow sadness melancholy unhappiness discouragement irritation gloom distress depression gravity seriousness boo disapproval weaken sadden decrease worry bring down dishearten dissuade agitate hurt trouble upset dull make unhappycheerfulcheerfulnesscheetahcheque onbankchequechequeredcherishcherishingcherootchesschest of drawerschestchettychewing the cudchewingchewings of the betel leaf which are ofred colourchicanerychick peachicken poxchicory
Meanings in telugu :
ooraarchu ( ఊరార్చు )
Identical words :
cheerfulness - uvvaayi ( ఉవ్వాయి )
Synonyms of cheer
Antonyms of cheer
Related English Telugu Meaning
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