covert meaning in telugu
Word: covert
Meaning of covert in english - clandestine, underhanded
hidden undercover surreptitious secret privy private camouflaged cloaked concealed disguised furtive hush-hush incognito masked stealthy sub rosa ulterior under wraps unsuspected veiled buried obscured QT dissembled shroudedunconcealed known aboveboard candid frank honest overt open publiccovetcovetous mancovetouscovetousnesscow dung dissolved in water and sprinkled on the floors of housescow fit fcow in heatcow that has calved only oncecow which calves every yearcow-herdcow-tailed monkeycowcowachcowardcowardicecowardlycowdung cakecowdung found driend in woodscowdungcowherd
Meanings in telugu :
irumu ( ఇరుము )
Identical words :
covert meaning - chhalamu ( ఛలము )
covert expression of contempt - vyangyamu ( వ్యంగ్యము )
covert expression of contempt - vyangyamu ( వ్యంగ్యము )
Synonyms of covert
Antonyms of covert
Related English Telugu Meaning
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