going meaning in telugu

Word: going
Meaning of going in english - active, departure

Meanings in telugu :

vrajanamu ( వ్రజనము )

Identical words :

going to - abhigamanamu ( అభిగమనము )
going up setting out - utkramanamu ( ఉత్క్రమణము )
going tortuously - chankramanamu ( చంక్రమణము )
going out - vinishtraantamu ( వినిష్ట్రాంతము )
going before - purōgamu ( పురోగము )
going to meetguest - pratyudgamamu ( ప్రత్యుద్గమము )
going quick - prasyandamu ( ప్రస్యందము )
going beyond proper bounds - langhanamu ( లంఘనము )
going atrapid pace - vayaaLi ( వయాళి )
going round - vivartanamu ( వివర్తనము )
going across - santaranamu ( సంతరణము )
going well - samiranamu ( సమీరణము )

Synonyms of going

rapid progressive mobile pushing movable running moving operative flowing rolling operating functioning rushing rust alive astir effective efficacious hasty restless impelling bustling at work exertive in force in play in process abandonment egress farewell migration escape flight passage exit evacuation adieu exodus emigration expatriation parting decampment getaway desertion goodbye powder bow out egression hegira embarkation congé going away

Antonyms of going

immobile stationary unmovable permanent fixed greeting entrance hello staying arrival

Related English Telugu Meaning

goitregold armlet ofwavy shapegold bandgold coin bearing the impression ofboargold coin calledpagodagold coingold earringgold flowergold lacegold leafgold mouth ofscabbardgold necklace of small beads linked togethergold paintgold piece attached to the marriage cordgold smithgold so called because found ingold spanglegold vase placed atroyal gategold-flowergold
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