law meaning in telugu

Word: law
Meaning of law in english - rules of a government, society, standard, principle of behavior

Meanings in telugu :

vyavasth ( వ్యవస్థ )

Identical words :

law-suit - vyaajyamu ( వ్యాజ్యము )
lawsuit - nambaru ( నంబరు )
law-case - nambaru ( నంబరు )
lawfulness - vaavi ( వావి )
lawful right - hakku ( హక్కు )

Synonyms of law

case statute requirement code constitution charter mandate decision act legislation decree precedent regulation ruling charge measure order covenant enactment injunction canon summons precept behest dictate ordinance prescript commandment equity warrant edict notice garnishment bidding demand prescription institute instruction assize divestiture writ subpoena caveat jurisprudence bylaw decretum due process proposal origin maxim proposition ground source assumption criterion theorem usage formula postulate cause axiom foundation fundamental exigency reason base truth guide generalization

Antonyms of law

disorganization lawlessness breaking transgression violation outcome result consequence effect outgrowth

Related English Telugu Meaning

lawful rightlawfulnesslawsuitlaxlaylayer of earthlayerlaying wastelazinesslazyleadleader amongherd of elephantsleaderleading pair of oxen inploughleaf of any sortleaf of the blackleaf oftreeleafleagueleak out
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