loin meaning in telugu

Word: loin
Meaning of loin in english - flank, side, haunch, thigh

Meanings in telugu :

tunti ( తుంటి )

Identical words :

loins - nadumu ( నడుము )
loins the posteriors - shrōni ( శ్రోణి )

Synonyms of loin

hip ham hand quarter wing pleuron sector bottom top surface part front border rear view verge rim aspect periphery boundary perimeter division direction elevation stance disposition posture attitude facet limit stand jamb margin hillside lee buttocks leg posterior rump buns groin hock femur loins

Antonyms of loin

whole inside interior middle back rear center extremity

Related English Telugu Meaning

loins the posteriorsloinsloiterloiteringloliumlonelinesslonely manlonely personlonely spotlonelylong and lean legslong forlong formidablelong gourdlong pepperlong pondwell with steps desending into itlong snouted fish called the indian whitinglong trumpetlong vowellong waist band
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