What is another word for Abashed in english

The list of words which can be used for Abashed while creating sentence in english language. discombobulated bewildered perplexed, stunned, puzzled, shocked, startled, befuddled confounded perplexed, bewildered, disconcerted, befuddled humiliated embarrassed, disgraced, ashamed, abashed, mortified confused muddled, bewildered, perplexed, puzzled, distracted disconcerted thrown, perturbed, bewildered, unsettled, distracted, upset embarrassed ashamed, abashed, disconcerted, flustered, bankrupt shamed ashamed bashful, hesitant, distressed, apologetic, humble, guilty chagrined annoy, dissatisfy, perturb, peeve, displease, disconcert humbled fazed mortified bugged rattled fuddled discombobulated, bewildered, confounded, humiliated crushed crumble, beat, bruise, squash, break, trample, squeeze in a tizzy taken aback 
Usage of Abashed in sentences
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