What is another word for Abreast in english

The list of words which can be used for Abreast while creating sentence in english language. beside adjoining, alongside, aside, by, cheek by jowl, near equal identical, comparable, corresponding, equivalent level matched, trim, constant, flush, polished, matching, same opposite side by side in alignment in line beside, equal, opposite, side by side, in alignment shoulder to shoulder acquainted informed, abreast, conversant, enlightened, advised informed knowledgeable, learned, abreast, acquainted, versed, primed au courant aware, cognizant, enlightened, hip, informed, knowledgeable au fait au courant, expert, skillful, up on, up to snuff contemporary new, present-day, instant, current, recent, now, latest familiar simple, mundane, usual, intimate, commonplace, natural knowledgeable well-rounded, sensible, experienced, wise, conscious versed in touch acquainted, informed, au courant, au fait, contemporary 
Usage of Abreast in sentences
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