What is another word for According in english

The list of words which can be used for According while creating sentence in english language. bestow grant, confer, hand out, lavish, bequeath, entrust, donate confer huddle, negotiate, consult, advise, argue, brainstorm vouchsafe accede acquiesce, okay, grant, fold, endorse, assent, accept acquiesce conform, accede, concur, comply, give in, submit, okay render concede relinquish, cede, hand over, quit, confess, grant, accept admit grant, receive, permit, introduce, sign, concede, accept award trophy, gold, gift, grant, presentation, decision, citation allow grant, own, confess, avow, concede, acquiesce, let on tender endow subsidize, enable, enrich, empower, bestow, enhance, donate present conform coordinate, reconcile, fit, yield, accommodate, integrate affirm repeat, confirm, ratify, insist, assert, maintain, profess correspond conform, compare, dovetail, correlate, resemble, tally square concur coincide, jibe, acquiesce, league, accord, collaborate fit wise, capable, prepared, qualified, competent, happy, right tally assent jibe harmonize, conform, correspond, dovetail, accord, square suit harmonize unify, reconcile, cooperate, integrate, adjust, coordinate match contest, trial, game, race, bout, event, rivalry, meet be in tune 
Usage of According in sentences
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