What is another word for Achromatize in english

The list of words which can be used for Achromatize while creating sentence in english language. lighten brighten, shine, irradiate, light, flash, illume, gleam blanch flinch, recoil, wince, start, pale, shrink etiolate blench decolorize peroxide grow pale make pale wash out dim dingy, lackluster, murky, shadowy, faint, cloudy, gloomy evaporate vaporize, disperse, melt, dissipate, fade, vanish dissolve soften, deliquesce, run, render, liquefy, flux, fuse, thaw vanish dull tedious, dim, slow, simple, stupid, dumb, sluggish, addled disappear depart, wane, retire, escape, go, melt, dissipate, fade neutralize subdue, nullify, redress, counterbalance, offset, negate tarnish muddy flat, swampy, soggy, marshy, dull, gloomy, dirty, sloppy discolor sully, defile, rust, streak, blot, tarnish, soil, mark clear sunny, fair, light, clarion, crystal, halcyon, fine tone down become colorless evanish grow dim lose brightness lose luster 
Usage of Achromatize in sentences
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