What is another word for Adapter in english

The list of words which can be used for Adapter while creating sentence in english language. connection contact, relation, network, acquaintance, associate, mentor clamp grip, snap, nipper, lock, vice, catch, bracket, press, hold junction coupling mixture, combination, joint, linking, connection, seam, tie joint collective, concerted, cooperative, public, united, joined fastener screw, latch, snap, lock, buckle, catch, bolt, fastening link network, relationship, hookup, element, contact, channel tie bond fetter, chain, tie-in, binding, handcuff, wire, network connector auxiliary extension delay, increase, development, expansion, postponement annex addendum, appendix, addition, affix, arm, adjunct addition extra supplementary, added, ancillary, additional, unnecessary fixture device, equipment, component, accessory, appendage accessory decoration, component, adornment, appliance, trim, help adjunct fitting proper, apt, felicitous, meet, becoming, right, correct supplement appendage adjunct, supplement, projection, annex, extremity part appurtenance apparatus, annex, addition, component, appendix, attachment accoutrement gear, means, appliance, mechanism, machine, machinery linguist interpreter, lexicographer, grammarian, polyglot polyglot cryptologist decoder linguist, adapter, polyglot, cryptologist, dragoman dragoman cryptographer explainer glossator 
Usage of Adapter in sentences
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