What is another word for Advantaged in english

The list of words which can be used for Advantaged while creating sentence in english language. recommended selected preferred chosen exclusive, named, elect, selected, pick, popular pet blessed consecrated, exalted, hallowed, rewarded, divine, saved elite exclusive, noble, elect, top, pick, choice, crack, super lucky successful, hot, fortuitous, happy, advantageous sweetheart fair-haired best-liked singled out well-liked honored recognized, privileged, well-known, distinguished powerful ruling special indulged entitled designate, style, denominate, title, dub, term satisfy account story, explanation, detail, tale, version, narrative advantage influence, recognition, wealth, lead, profit, support profit suffice work meet right, fair, reconciled, appropriate, good, expedient answer fulfill conform, render, conclude, fill, perfect, accomplish be adequate advance leading, prior, first, earlier, early, foremost, previously pay assist service, backing, assistance, comfort, benefit further farther, more, added, another, else, extra, fresh, new aid promote improve advance, upgrade, develop, help, reform, rise, recover relieve better succor build frame, physique, body, constitution, figure, habit, habitus ameliorate mitigate, lighten, alleviate, upgrade, help, amend, relieve pay off contribute to be good for do for one do the trick do, finish, score, conclude, perform, win, manage, reach fill the bill advance, pay, assist, favor, further, aid, promote, improve make a killing compile, acquire, swell, rack up, assemble, add to, accrue make it do, finish, score, conclude, perform, win, manage, pull off work for function duty, affair, task, power, service, business, action, part service suit apply employ, handle, practice, administer, implement, exercise content answer the purpose be acceptable be good enough be of use be useful do duty as 
Usage of Advantaged in sentences
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