What is another word for Affectionateness in english

The list of words which can be used for Affectionateness while creating sentence in english language. affability geniality, agreeability, congeniality, cordiality, niceness affection emotion, desire, kindness, love, sentiment, closeness agreeability agreeableness amiableness amenity, agreeability, congeniality, friendliness congeniality congenialness cordiality sincerity, reciprocity, geniality, amenity, amiability friendliness camaraderie, cordiality, goodwill, kindness, warmth goodwill philanthropy, altruism pleasantness warmth bonhomie cordiality, niceness, amenity, sociableness, warmth graciousness sympathy, civility, generosity, reverence, deference 
Usage of Affectionateness in sentences
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