What is another word for Affiliate in english

The list of words which can be used for Affiliate while creating sentence in english language. partner branch chapter, division, office, section, wing, member, bureau offshoot sibling affil incorporate consolidate, mix, organize, merge, assimilate, absorb join tie, marry, accompany, clamp, incorporate, clip, lock relate annex addendum, appendix, addition, affix, arm, adjunct unite amalgamate consolidate, incorporate, mingle, alloy, coalesce, unite combine incorporate, associate, couple, mix, fuse, link, merge connect attach, associate, relate, join, bridge, affix, span confederate incorporated, organized, combined, amalgamated, associated ally colleague, partner, friend, associate, helper, accessory tie up band together come aboard form connection go partners hook up incorporate, associate, relate, unite, amalgamate, combine line up bill, cast, list, queue, selection, side, squad, team plug into team up throw in with 
Usage of Affiliate in sentences
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