What is another word for Aforementioned in english

The list of words which can be used for Aforementioned while creating sentence in english language. above raised, over, overhead, aloft, atop, beyond, upon, on high aforesaid preceding, previous, mentioned earlier, spoken of earlier antecedent anterior, past, precedent, former, preliminary, earlier anterior past, antecedent, precedent, former, foregoing, preceding past precedent aforestated old departed deceased, gone, buried, stiff, late, six feet under erstwhile once, bygone, late, old, one-time, past, preceding ancient antique, age-old, venerable, hoary, old-fashioned, timeworn bygone first early, prime, antecedent, head, premier, fundamental earlier prior, previous, preceding late slow, backward, behind, belated, blown, delayed, dilatory once one-time sometime quondam ex- long ago long gone of yore whilom introductory preparatory, inaugural, anterior, basic, beginning, early previous head prime, champion, principal, leading, premier, pioneer, main lead advantage, point, top, start, edge, margin, heavy, advance leading dominant, preeminent, outstanding, top, well-known, famous forward leading, onward, ahead, forth, progressive, precocious pioneer front ahead of before, in advance of before previously, ahead, since, back, ante, ere, fore, former heretofore previously, formerly, since, so far, until now other prefatory preliminary preparatory pioneering above-mentioned above-named aforeknown forerunning one time precursive precursory preexistent prevenient prodromal supra preexisting like comparable, alike, related, agnate, cognate, twin, close double dual, binary, second, duplex, twin, duplicate, paired clone reproduction, double, twin, act-alike, look-alike computer duplicate corresponding, duplex, equivalent, equal, same, twin, alike look-alike equal identical, comparable, corresponding, equivalent xerox dupe twin carbon soot, lead, coal, replica, copy, graphite, charcoal, coke equivalent identical, comparable, corresponding, proportionate ditto double, clone, facsimile, reproduction, copy, likewise comparable tantamount, commensurate, equal, proportionate, equivalent compatible adaptable, consistent, suitable, appropriate, accordant corresponding comparable, analogous, reciprocal, parallel, like, agnate indistinguishable identical, duplicate, equivalent, same, tantamount, twin interchangeable compatible, synonymous, changeable, converse, convertible likewise too, besides, additionally, along, further, furthermore related similar similarly synonymous tantamount very coequal carbon-copy in the same manner same difference spoken forenamed that already stated previously mentioned the indicated the present identical interchangeable, exact, indistinguishable, Xerox 
Usage of Aforementioned in sentences
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