What is another word for All Right in english

The list of words which can be used for All Right while creating sentence in english language. okay acceptable fair, decent, sufficient, respectable, common, adequate adequate satisfactory, fair, capable, decent, sufficient, tolerable appropriate relevant, useful, convenient, applicable, apt, fitting average ordinary, regular, moderate, mediocre, medium, general decent noble, good, polite, honest, trustworthy, modest, proper fair civil, sincere, unbiased, lawful, proper, principled fit wise, capable, prepared, qualified, competent, happy, right fitting proper, apt, felicitous, meet, becoming, right, correct passable proper satisfying standard sufficient swell tolerable unexceptional unobjectionable hunky-dory okey-dokey hale trim, sound, right, fit, well, stout, blooming, husky healthy vigorous, tough, normal, athletic, healthful, hearty safe sound unharmed unhurt unimpaired whole accurate detailed, careful, scientific, solid, exact, meticulous exact perfect, identical, definite, explicit, specific, literal great huge, enormous, tremendous, big, terrible, high, immense precise right adequately competently, satisfactorily, appropriately, abundantly acceptably sufficiently, competently, satisfactorily, appropriately passably tolerably unobjectionably well enough certainly absolutely, exactly, surely, assuredly, of course definitely doubtless, easily, plainly, absolutely, decidedly of course positively surely very well agreed without a doubt 
Usage of All Right in sentences
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