What is another word for Alternately in english

The list of words which can be used for Alternately while creating sentence in english language. alternative different, second, substitute, surrogate, another, back-up preferably on behalf of as a substitute in lieu rather, alternative, preferably, on behalf of, alternately in place of in preference on second thought rather than at times from time to time, occasionally, once in a while from time to time every now and then, infrequently, occasionally irregularly haphazardly, fitfully, infrequently, sporadically, unevenly now and then intermittently, infrequently, occasionally occasionally once in a while sometimes vacillating at intervals amid, among, halfway, inserted, intervening, midway, within every once in a while intermittently, infrequently, occasionally, sporadically every so often fluctuating on occasion variably willingly first early, prime, antecedent, head, premier, fundamental sooner alternatively willingly, first, sooner, alternately as a matter of choice by choice willingly, first, sooner, alternately, alternatively by preference in lieu of willingly, first, sooner, alternately, alternatively just as soon more readily more willingly much sooner in succession one person at a time hardly comparatively, practically, seldom, barely, simply infrequently now and then, occasionally, intermittently, sporadically intermittent fitful, infrequent, recurrent, occasional, periodic scarcely variable at irregular intervals not often very seldom when the mood strikes intermittently sporadically, occasionally, periodically, again, betimes inconstantly on-and-off uncertainly periodically again over, repeatedly, anew, afresh, anon, encore, newly, bis betimes cyclically exactly, incessantly, always, constantly, typically, daily discontinuously 
Usage of Alternately in sentences
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