What is another word for Ambiance in english

The list of words which can be used for Ambiance while creating sentence in english language. ambience surroundings, atmosphere, climate, medium, ambient surroundings atmosphere pressure, air, envelope, sky, troposphere, heavens environs surroundings, vicinity, suburb, confine, district, locality milieu ambience, surroundings, climate, medium, neighborhood climate temperature, humidity, latitude, altitude, conditions setting aura atmosphere, semblance, tone, mood, scent, aspect, ambience tone mood emotion, atmosphere, color, personality, scene, attitude feel impression, atmosphere, mood, aura, sense, ambience character style, humor, nature, type, kind, cast, aspect, sense, tone flavor zest, acidity, sweetness, aroma, extract, tang, zing, gusto feeling spirit 
Usage of Ambiance in sentences
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