What is another word for Ambient in english

The list of words which can be used for Ambient while creating sentence in english language. surroundings atmosphere pressure, air, envelope, sky, troposphere, heavens mood emotion, atmosphere, color, personality, scene, attitude trend environment status, climate, habitat, setting, situation, entourage feeling disposition frame of mind, tone, mood, predisposition, habit temper tendency mise en scã¨ne element fundamental, item, material, component, detail, member habitat dwelling, nest, cave, terrain, environment, surroundings conditions influences neighborhood part, zone, district, area, parish, section, suburb, street space locale neighborhood, venue, location, locality, sector, domain scene setting place location background training, practice, upbringing, environment, culture turf bag briefcase, backpack, purse, sack, kit, pocket, packet, gear nabe moving stunning, inspiring, persuasive, gripping, meaningful current modern, ongoing, present, prevailing, instant, general fluid flowing, running, fluent, juicy, melted, molten, watery rotating circling circulatory moving, current, fluid, rotating, circling, ambient diffusive deviating, divergent, eccentric, outward, radial, spiral in motion going, proceeding, initiated, working, happening enveloping encircling circumferential 
Usage of Ambient in sentences
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