What is another word for Ambiguous in english

The list of words which can be used for Ambiguous while creating sentence in english language. enigmatic ambiguous, obscure, cryptic, dark, doubtful, equivocal questionable unclear uncertain puzzling equivocal ambiguous, muddled, unclear, puzzling, dubious, evasive opaque inconclusive ambiguous, uncertain, unsatisfactory, deficient, unsettled dubious questionable, skeptical, uncertain, equivocal, hesitant cryptic enigmatic, ambiguous, veiled, equivocal, strange, arcane obscure vague doubtful indecisive, unsure, problematic, insecure, suspicious indefinite undetermined, infinite, unlimited, undefined, broad indeterminate undetermined, general, inconclusive, indefinite, indistinct muddy flat, swampy, soggy, marshy, dull, gloomy, dirty, sloppy tenebrous unintelligible inexplicit clear as dishwater enigmatical cryptic, dark, doubtful, equivocal, incomprehensible multivocal polysemous 
Usage of Ambiguous in sentences
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