What is another word for Anchorite in english

The list of words which can be used for Anchorite while creating sentence in english language. solitary misanthrope doubter, egotist, skeptic, loner, egoist, misanthropist skeptic ascetic austere, spartan, abstemious, puritanical, strict solitaire eremite solitary, misanthrope, skeptic, ascetic, solitaire stylite outside of human society anchoret pillarist solitarian priest abbot monk, rector, friar, abbot-general, archabbot cenobite brother relative, twin, relation, kin, blood brother, kinsperson religious monastic secluded, austere, contemplative, solitary, ascetic friar solitary, cenobite, recluse, brother, ascetic, religious sister vestal mother superior Holy Mother, superior, abbess, ecclesiarch, lady superior prioress postulant abbess sister, vestal, anchorite, prioress, postulant, canoness canoness religious woman troglodyte 
Usage of Anchorite in sentences
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