What is another word for Ancients in english

The list of words which can be used for Ancients while creating sentence in english language. senior citizen veteran patriarch superior ancient antique, age-old, venerable, hoary, old-fashioned, timeworn matriarch matron, dowager, queen, dame, mother, dignified woman ancestor forebear, founder, forefather, antecedent, ascendant forebearer oldest old fogey national communal, civil, ethnic, domestic, governmental, internal inhabitant dweller resident, inhabitant, occupant aborigine aboriginal primitive, ancient, primary, native, original, endemic local provincial, regional, town, limited, neighborhood, district autochthon indigene home towner pensioner grandmother matriarch, ancestor, dowager, granny, grandma, gram head prime, champion, principal, leading, premier, pioneer, main grandfather ancestor, patriarch, pap, forefather, elder, grandpa old-timer doyen professor, administrator, legislator, principal, dignitary doyenne elderly person first-born golden-ager old folk retired person 
Usage of Ancients in sentences
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