What is another word for Anthropological in english

The list of words which can be used for Anthropological while creating sentence in english language. personal animal mortal grievous, dire, terrible, malignant, lethal, fatal, grim individual respective, personal, sole, lone, specific, single anthropoid primate, humanoid, monkey, gibbon, orang, chimpanzee civilized educated, civil, refined, cultured, sophisticated, humane fallible faulty, imperfect, untrustworthy, frail, careless fleshly animal, carnal, erotic, gross, lascivious, lewd, lustful forgivable pardonable, trivial, venial vulnerable anthropomorphic anthropoid, anthropomorphous, humanoid, humanlike hominid biped personal, animal, mortal, individual, anthropoid, civilized bipedal creatural ethnologic ethological hominal hominine humanistic academic, attic, bookish, canonical, Latin, Hellenic, Doric anthropomorphous 
Usage of Anthropological in sentences
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