What is another word for Apart in english

The list of words which can be used for Apart while creating sentence in english language. aside down, alone, separately, out, apart, abreast, afar afar distant, remote, far away, far off alone only, unattended, unaccompanied, solo, abandoned aloof haughty, standoffish, unsympathetic, distant, detached away absent, off, elsewhere, over, aside, distant, abroad, forth cut off suspend, disconnect, halt, separate, isolate, renounce disconnected separated, detached, uncoordinated, muddled, disordered distant secluded, far-flung, remote, inaccessible, isolated distinct specific, definite, noticeable, unmistakable, audible exclusively completely, wholly, only, alone, entirely, solely, but freely candidly, willingly, voluntarily, openly, advisedly independent separate, nonpartisan, sovereign, self-sufficient independently individually, separately, freely, apart, exclusive of individually alone, independently, personally, singly, apart isolated secluded, unusual, lonely, remote, segregated, outlying lone wolf separated separately singly special by itself disassociated divorced excluded to itself to one side 
Usage of Apart in sentences
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