What is another word for Apartment in english

The list of words which can be used for Apartment while creating sentence in english language. flat horizontal, unbroken, low, empty, even, reclining, plane residence cave cavern, grotto, cavity, pothole, den, hollow, rock shelter suite accommodation reconciliation, compromise, compliance, fitting, adaptation coop hutch, corral, mew, pound, cage, enclosure, birdcage cooperative united, concerted, reciprocal, harmonious, collective, team dump depot, swamp, magazine, cesspool, ash heap, dumping ground pad lodging apartment, shelter, motel, hotel, resort, inn, lodge rental crash pad penthouse condo walk-up digs gibe, cut, quip, slur, taunt, jeer, innuendo, crack, sneer chambers box, apartment, cell, bedroom, cubicle, hall, case, flat cold-water living quarters 
Usage of Apartment in sentences
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