What is another word for Area in english

The list of words which can be used for Area while creating sentence in english language. field meadow, territory, terrain, range, green, grassland operation range space breadth diameter, span, latitude, spread, broadness, wideness distance stretch expanse stretch, plain, wilderness, tract, breadth, domain, sweep sphere compass purview, domain, restriction, sphere, radius width size sector city civic, civil, municipal, urban, burghal, citified square neighborhood part, zone, district, area, parish, section, suburb, street zone locality status, domain, habitat, entourage, locale, ambiance, scene section county division, constituency, canton, shire state territory kingdom commonwealth, domain, crown, dynasty, county, sphere division distribution, selection, disunion, dissolution, disjuncture domain sphere, territory, realm, estate, jurisdiction, terrain parcel plot vicinity patch precinct dominion control, domain, regimentation, jurisdiction, terrain, walk tract turf ward quarter enclosure courtyard, pen, cage, pound, walk, close, asylum, pale block square, bar, section, brick, piece, slab, chunk, loaf, cube belt ring, string, ribbon, strap, girdle, cincture, sash neck of the woods backyard, neighborhood, region, stamping ground, vicinity township principality 
Usage of Area in sentences
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