What is another word for Asphyxia in english

The list of words which can be used for Asphyxia while creating sentence in english language. coma slumber, oblivion, stupor, trance, torpor, torpidity trance slumber inertness sluggishness, torpidity, lethargy, slouch, truancy lethargy inactivity, disinterest, apathy, inertness, sloth sleep languor inactivity, tiredness, torpor, sluggishness, apathy anesthesia numbness, stupor, unconsciousness, asleep, insentience swoon stupefaction torpor insensibility hebetude amazement bewilderment, confusion, admiration, astonishment inertia laziness, apathy, sluggishness, inactivity, torpor bewilderment perplexity, confusion, surprise, discombobulation, daze numbness dullness apathy lethargy, indifference, passiveness, dullness, coolness lassitude torpor, sluggishness, laziness, idleness, weakness suspended animation narcosis sopor somnolence petrifaction hypnosis coma, trance, slumber, inertness, lethargy, sleep, languor fainting swooning 
Usage of Asphyxia in sentences
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