What is another word for Balls in english

The list of words which can be used for Balls while creating sentence in english language. jump plunge, dive, rise, upsurge, bounce, hurdle, fall, vault mingle mix, intermingle, blend, meld, interweave, wed, marry hop caper, dance, skip, bound, bounce, skitter, leap, hurdle shindig promenade reception hoedown hoodang orb balloon blimp, dirigible, bladder, airship, zeppelin, swell drop speck, taste, morsel, dash, bit, sip, dab, pearl, splash pill globule bead, blob pellet round globoid annular, arced, arched, arciform, bent, bowed, circular apple orb, balloon, drop, pill, globule, pellet, round, globoid spheroid 
Usage of Balls in sentences
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