What is another word for Balsam in english

The list of words which can be used for Balsam while creating sentence in english language. ointment potion salve lotion balm, ointment, cosmetic, salve, liniment, unguent preparation emollient analgesic anesthetic, anodyne, painkiller, soother unction dressing stuffing, filling, forcemeat, robing, decking, appareling unguent application function, operation, utilization, pertinence, play, usance compound commixture, goulash, amalgamation, composite, mishmash medicine pharmaceutical, medication, antibiotic, drug, remedy prescription formula code, creed, canon, credo, precept, rubric, custom, way poultice cream ointment, paste, jelly, unction, liniment, cosmetic, salve embrocation demulcent cerate soother soothing agent 
Usage of Balsam in sentences
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