What is another word for Be Concerned With in english

The list of words which can be used for Be Concerned With while creating sentence in english language. employ engage, handle, utilize, occupy, exploit, apply, operate involve prove, suggest, engage, commit, associate, embroil, require take up attend visit, show up, catch, haunt, appear, frequent, check in fill stuffing, padding, enough, plenty, sufficiency, satiety busy unavailable, working, occupied, engrossed, persevering immerse drench, bathe, soak, steep, saturate, drown, baptize, bury entertain satisfy, gratify, inspire, enthrall, relax, captivate absorb swallow, consume, ingest, imbibe, blot, ingurgitate, devour amuse tickle, gratify, wow, please, delight, cheer, charm, regale utilize preoccupy engross bewitch, immerse, enthrall, captivate, preoccupy, enrapture engage employ, enlist, appoint, charter, secure, enroll, contract interest importance, significance, sympathy, passion, activity soak monopolize exclude, possess, utilize, absorb, engross, use, acquire divert switch, alter, deflect, wheel, whirl, sheer, avert, veer tie up be active with hold attention keep busy exert expend, wield, bring to bear, utilize, apply, exercise go to the effort of take pains take the time 
Usage of Be Concerned With in sentences
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