What is another word for Be Tough in english

The list of words which can be used for Be Tough while creating sentence in english language. persevere go on last, proceed, conduct, stay, endure, persist, occur hold out give, grant, proffer, tempt with, withstand, continue cling fasten, clasp, adhere, grip, hug, last, linger, clutch persist grasp possession, purchase, clutches, tenure, clinch, butt carry on achieve, endure, hang on, last, maintain, perpetuate clutch grip, clamp, coupling, clinch, gripe, connection, grapple grip grasp, restraint, constraint, clamp, hook, cincture remain hold on linger, remain, stay, live, sustain, survive, exist, be hold fast 
Usage of Be Tough in sentences
Hindi to English Dictionary
English to Hindi Dictionary