What is another word for Bear The Brunt Of in english

The list of words which can be used for Bear The Brunt Of while creating sentence in english language. withstand resist survive surmount suffer overcome brave gallant, foolhardy, daring, confident, fearless, spunky season expose disclose, bring to light, prove, unmask, bare, uncover acclimate accustom, conform, season, acclimatize, accommodate, harden harden consolidate, nerve, set, buttress, thicken, strengthen toughen come through succeed, prevail, pitch in, achieve, carry out, chip in pull through get through relate, connect, convey, advertise, disseminate, transfer ride out bear up against become toughened grow hardened grow strong make it do, finish, score, conclude, perform, win, manage, pull off rise above stick it out 
Usage of Bear The Brunt Of in sentences
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