What is another word for Beware in english

The list of words which can be used for Beware while creating sentence in english language. heed observance, deliberation, mind, caution, respect shun avoid dodge, avert, sidestep, evade, fend off, bypass, escape mind thought, head, perception, talent, power, consciousness notice note, consideration, attention, care, respect, remark attend visit, show up, catch, haunt, appear, frequent, check in look out beware, check out, listen, mind, notice, peg, scope, spot take care be cautious be wary guard against heed, shun, avoid, mind, notice, attend, look out keep eyes open heed, shun, avoid, mind, notice, attend, look out refrain from steer clear of take heed walk on eggs watch out keep on one's toes keep one's distance mind p's and q's watch one's step 
Usage of Beware in sentences
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