What is another word for Bisects in english

The list of words which can be used for Bisects while creating sentence in english language. fork bifurcate, angle, divide, diverge, part, split, branch off bifurcate fork, ramify, separate, bisect, diverge, split, furcate intersect converge, traverse, join, divide, separate, crisscross separate halve bisect, divide equally, reduce by fifty percent cross short, peeved, faultfinding, annoyed, cantankerous cleave hew, sunder, rive, pierce, cut, rend, separate, divorce split branch off cut across fork, bifurcate, intersect, separate, halve, cleave, split dichotomize divaricate cut in half fork, bifurcate, intersect, separate, halve, cross, cleave cut in two dimidiate hemisect split down the middle 
Usage of Bisects in sentences
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