What is another word for Boatyard in english

The list of words which can be used for Boatyard while creating sentence in english language. berth dock, wharf, port, quay, cot, anchorage, billet, jetty, bed wharf quay harbor wharf, inlet, dock, pier, port, road, breakwater, gulf landing slip pier moorings boat basin sanctuary shelter anchorage wharf, harbor, port, dock, slip, haven, refuge, roadstead refuge gate fence, exit, door, port, conduit, opening, lock, passage retreat haven shelter, asylum, sanctuary, retreat, harbor, anchorage seaport roadstead dockyard harbor, wharf, sanctuary, shelter, anchorage, landing harborage docks harbor, berth, wharf, pier, jetty, quay, lock, levee piers dockage 
Usage of Boatyard in sentences
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