What is another word for Bodied in english

The list of words which can be used for Bodied while creating sentence in english language. depict portray, represent, sketch, characterize, detail, reproduce illuminate flash, highlight, brighten, spotlight, ignite, illumine elucidate exemplify, expound, illuminate, get across, clear up mirror speculum, reflector, cheval glass, gaper, hand glass manifest unambiguous, palpable, glaring, unmistakable, shown, bold typify spell out personify epitomize exemplify, represent, characterize, personify, embody embody exemplify, incorporate, exhibit, express, epitomize demonstrate exhibit, prove, expose, try, indicate, determine, test symbolize illustrate exhibit, represent, illuminate, typify, mirror, portray exhibit performance, model, display, fair, show, exposition show quote evidence instance occurrence, detail, precedent, item, reason, particular display exhibit, parade, demonstration, act, array, presentation clarify resolve, formulate, clear up, spell out, simplify, analyze cite repeat, name, offer, mention, indicate, specify, recount enlighten educate, acquaint, edify, inform, uplift, civilize, advise clear up clarify, unravel, illustrate, answer, cipher, decipher emblematize perform serve produce mean be breathe, do, last, prevail, move, remain, rest, stay imitate resemble, emulate, duplicate, echo, reproduce, assume express explicit, premeditated, specific, set, individual, intended betoken betide, note, signify, denote, omen, show, assert, express equal identical, comparable, corresponding, equivalent reproduce equate liken, relate, associate, even, represent, compare, regard impersonate portray, imitate, mimic, represent, play, ditto, do substitute factor circumstance, influence, point, component, element, thing copy enact execute, achieve, portray, represent, play, depict, do stage put on stand for steward serve as speak for act as constitute, make, compose, figure in, make up, serve as act as broker act for show, perform, serve, produce, mean, exemplify, be, exhibit act in place of appear as assume the role of be agent for be attorney for be proxy for buy for correspond to do business for hold office play the part sell for 
Usage of Bodied in sentences
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